3 game changing hacks for harnessing energy, comfort and savings

Published - 3rd Nov 2023

As the temperature drops and the winter forecast looms, the thought of staying warm and cosy becomes a top priority. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of energy-efficient heating and how it can benefit budgets, the planet and comfort.

**1. **Cost Savings: Energy-efficient heating systems consume less energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature, which has a linear translation into lowering utility bills. As budgets come under more pressure, these savings make a substantial difference, we have helped save £84k per year for Colas Rail in energy bills.

**2. **Environmental Impact: Traditional heating methods often rely on fossil fuels, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions which have major consequences to climate change. Resources are finite and this rate of global consumption cannot be sustained. Energy-efficient heating systems reduce carbon footprint by using less energy and leveraging renewable energy sources.

**3. **Comfort and Consistency: Energy-efficient heating systems can provide a quicker, more consistent and evenly distributed warmth, eliminating cold spots and poorly insulated or drafty areas.

3 easy hacks to help:

1. Zoning:

  • Implement zoning systems to heat specific areas or rooms independently, reducing energy waste in unoccupied spaces.
  • Use smart technology to optimise heating and preferences and avoid those heated temperature discussions 😉
  • Wrapping up warm indoors and lowering the thermostat.

2. High-Efficiency Heating Systems:

  • Implement heating systems that provide efficient and even heat distribution.
  • Utilise innovative, green strategies that change operations like heating the person, not the air.
  • Explore renewable energy options like solar panels or geothermal systems to power your heating system with clean energy.

3. Regular Maintenance:

  • Schedule annual maintenance for your heating system to ensure it operates at peak efficiency, including filter replacement and duct cleaning.
  • Insulate walls and floors to help retain heat and prevent it from escaping.

Energy-efficient heating not only gives you the perks of staying warm but also about making conscious choices that benefit the environment and bills. Embrace the power of energy-efficient heating, and you’ll enjoy both comfort and savings, all while reducing your carbon footprint.

Learn more here

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